16.10.2024 | 5 Bilder

Eternal Power is planning one of Europe's largest hydrogen plants in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Eternal Power is planning a plant for green hydrogen in Dummerstorf. From 2028, 8,000 tons are to be produced here annually. A purchase agreement is already in place.
Wind- und Sonnenenergie sind die Grundlage für die Produktion von nachhaltigem "grünen" Wasserstoff © Nicholas Doherty-unsplash

Wind- and solar energy are the basis für the production of sustainably "green" hydrogen

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(Hamburg, October 16, 2024) The Hamburg-based hydrogen company Eternal Power is developing a production plant for green hydrogen in Dummerstorf, ten kilometers south of Rostock. The company has now secured the rights to use around five hectares of land for this purpose. An electrolysis plant with a capacity of 80 megawatts is to be built on the site by 2028. The project is regarded as a flagship project for the German market, as around 8,000 tons of green hydrogen are to be produced here every year. According to Eternal Power, an expansion to 400 megawatts is planned at a later date. The company has already secured its first commitments from customers and concluded a preliminary contract with a volume of 2.3 billion euros. The purchase is seen as a key element in realizing projects of this size and ramping up the market for green hydrogen.

Green hydrogen as an opportunity for Germany and the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Germany's climate targets depend to a large extent on how quickly a green hydrogen market is established, as Andreas Rimkus, the SPD parliamentary group's hydrogen representative, emphasizes: “We need green hydrogen in Germany to sustainably promote energy-intensive sectors such as shipping, aviation, the chemical and steel industries. Domestic production gives us the opportunity to promote the energy market and industry at the same time. In this context, young companies like Eternal Power are important.”

In July, Federal Economics Minister Habeck once again demonstrated just how serious the German government is about its commitment to Germany as a green hydrogen location: his ministry approved funding of half a billion euros for projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania alone.

According to Eternal Power, the good cooperation with the municipality was also a key factor in the decision to locate production in Dummerstorf. The municipality already took green hydrogen into account when planning a new industrial area, thereby creating ideal conditions. In this context, Dummerstorf's mayor Jürgen Sprank says: “Dummerstorf is pushing ahead with the development of the new industrial area with green energy for climate-neutral production in order to be able to offer a particularly attractive, future-proof location. We are delighted to be taking on a pioneering role in the European energy market together with Eternal Power.”

Cheap electricity as the most important cost factor for production

According to Eternal Power, competitive green hydrogen can be produced in Dummerstorf. “Hardly any other location covers all the important requirements in the immediate vicinity: offshore wind farms, connection to high and extra-high voltage, industrial areas, the hydrogen core grid and, of course, water,” says Robert Meitz, co-founder and COO of Eternal Power. The direct connection to the hydrogen core grid links the project to solvent offtake centers throughout Germany and thus creates an important basis for further project scaling.

The direct connection of offshore wind farms and PV systems to the planned plant means that green electricity is available in abundance. This represents the largest cost factor for green hydrogen. To reduce these costs, Eternal Power has developed its own software solution that can be used to identify the ideal combination and dimensioning of various renewable energy sources. The software optimizes electricity procurement on an hourly basis for the next 20 years in order to achieve high plant utilization while keeping the electricity price low.

The site is set to grow rapidly to 400 MW in the coming years

The electrolyzer is to be connected to the grid at the end of 2028 when a new hydrogen pipeline goes into operation. The next expansion stage is already being planned. A further 320 megawatts of capacity is to be available from 2030. This will first require the expansion of an extra-high-voltage line. An expansion by the grid operator 50Hertz is already being planned. According to Eternal Power, there is already demand on the consumer side, meaning that the necessary areas for the expansion have been secured.

About Eternal Power

From industrial production, distribution, storage and logistics and all the way through to the finished product: the energy scale-up Eternal Power is committed to building the green hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe. The company perceives itself as a manager of the entire hydrogen value chain. The consistent focus on "green hydrogen", i.e. a production process based on purely renewable energy, is the central cornerstone of the company's strategy. Eternal Power acts as an integrator throughout the entire value chain and all project phases, while also participating as a co-investor in all the production sites involved. The company was founded in Hamburg in 2021 by a team of renewable energy experts. Backed by the support of renowned investors and in close cooperation with governments and regulatory authorities, the company's mission is to accelerate the green hydrogen revolution.

For more information, visit www.eternal-power.de

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Bilder (5)

Wind- und Sonnenenergie sind die Grundlage für die Produktion von nachhaltigem grünen Wasserstoff
5 630 x 3 648 © Nicholas Doherty-unsplash
Vor allem sonnenreiche Länder werden als Importpartner für grünen Wasserstoff wichtig
4 000 x 2 649 © Zbynek Burival-unsplash
Das Führungsteam von Eternal Power (Namen in der Dateibeschreibung)
2 458 x 1 639 © Eternal Power
Andreas Rimkus, Wasserstoffbeauftragter der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion
2 500 x 1 659 © SPD
Co-Founder Robert Meitz
1 908 x 2 090 © Eternal Power GmbH


Tristan Thaller
SCRIVO Communications
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